Sunday, 29 November 2009

21 November 2009 : Postcard From Port Orford

Click on postcards to enlarge and read


Unknown said...

You'll see a lot more of those Toon Army signs as you head up the coast!

L. D. said...

Have you ever heard of the Dragoons? I never had until signs were popping up a along our near by highways. Apparently the French soldier was called a Dragoon, and they were dressed in very distinguished costumes in French military colors. It is said that they surveyed the Des Moines river up through Iowa over 150 years ago or more. Instead of having the signs all along the river banks as they traveled it by boat, they have put the signs on roads that zig zag along the river. I had never heard of the Toon Army.
This post card thing is fun Alan, good enough to publish once Amy gets tired of all of the journeys.

Stephanie said...

You are so clever. And funny!