Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Week 59 : North Bend To Winchester Bay

Click on postcard to enlarge and read


Leeuna said...

What a wonderful and unique idea for a blog. Here's wishing you and Amy lots of fun and adventure on your virtual travels.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

What a lovely idea, to post on a Postcard. I bet your Amy talks to you...
Yooo rrrr mmmy DAAAAA. I RRRRUUFF Yuu...
Your imaginary walk sounds good to me. Much safer and I am sure you have real ones as well.
I'll see you both at MACCAS..
(McDonalds)as I love those chicken pieces.. B.B.Q. sauce please and a hot cuppa tea with sugar..Hummm.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

best wishes.
love the bridge on top.
Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

What a fun blog you have here. This is my kind of travel! I look forward to following you and Amy and your virtual tours.

Wild Celtic said...

Let Amy know she's not alone in disliking bridges! Gorgeous from afar, but I get nervous when I'm on them and especially if I'm parked underneath them. You've got a great trip ahead of you!! Inspires me to keep track of my travels whilst I'm in Manchester next week. Virtual travel journal sort of thing

Wild Celtic said...

I thought you would truly appreciate this!

This kid is walking, literally, across America. You have a kindred spirit out there somewhere

I Wonder Wye said...

Interesting idea! If you feel like traveling to the South come 'visit' us!

Beth Niquette said...

What a wonderful photo of that beautiful bridge. So fills my eyes.

I've visited there many times--but have never seen this perspective of that awe-inspiring bridge before. Wow!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hey Alan, Hope you are okay, Haven't heard for ages. Love Crystal

Jesson Balaoing said...

wonderful thought... love the bridges like it i should say sir.